The China's present form of Foreign Trade Agency System is established according to Registration system of foreign trade rights. 中国现行的外贸代理制形式是以外贸经营权的备案登记制为基础建立的。
Research on the Classification of Foreign Trade Agency and its Application of Law& From the Perspective of Article 402 and 403 of Contract Law of China 外贸代理的类型化及法律适用&以我国《合同法》第402、403条为视角
The article analyzes the underlying legislative defects of domestic trade agency system, and proposes corresponding countermeasures. 本文剖析了我国外贸代理制的立法缺陷,并提出了相应的对策建议。
General Research on Law Agency System and Development of Foreign Trade Agency System in China; 新外贸法的颁布施行,放开了外贸经营的管制,但外贸代理制仍将在我国长期存在。
The legislation of Foreign Trade Agency System of our country is a mixture of Direct Representation and Indirect Representation. 我国的外贸代理制立法是一种混合的形式,包括直接代理和间接代理等类型。
In 1999, China made a new Contract Law of PRC ( which contains the rules of agency contract and commission agency contract) and laid a solid foundation for Foreign Trade Agency System. 新《合同法》针对以往外贸代理立法上的不足和实践中存在的问题,规定了委托合同与行纪合同及其规则,从而为我国外贸代理制的发展奠定了坚实的法律基础。
Two of the most important reasons for above are that the legal norms adjusting foreign trade agency and the development of the foreign trade enterprises are far behind the demand of practice. 其中二个重要的原因是调整外贸代理制的法律规范和外贸企业的自身发展已远落后于代理实践的要求。
Foreign Trade Agency System in New "Foreign Trade Law of PRC" 《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》框架下的外贸代理制
China's foreign trade agency system initiated at the beginning of the reform and opening. 中国的外贸代理制始于改革开放之初。
Conflict of laws is general, but conflict of laws on China foreign trade agency system is unique during the period of economic transformation. 法律冲突是普遍存在的现象,但在调整外贸代理关系的法律文件间呈现剧烈冲突现象却是我国在经济转轨时期所独有的。
China has already issued renewed foreign trade law which will be put into effect on July 1, 2004.The implementation of this law will promote the return of foreign trade agency system from public law area to private law area. 2004年7月1日,我国已正式实施新的《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》,该法的实施必然会使外贸代理制度从公法领域回归至私法领域。
Foreign trade agency system is an important legal system in international trade. 外贸代理制是国际贸易中一项重要的法律制度。
On Trade Agency under New Contract Law& And a Defect in New Contract Law 论新《合同法》下的外贸代理制&兼论新《合同法》的一点缺陷
Studies on the problems of foreign trade agency of aquatic products 水产品对外贸易代理中的有关问题研究
Defects of China's Current Foreign Trade Agency Mechanism and Improving Measures 我国现行外贸代理制的机制缺陷及其完善对策
Foreign trade agency system is one of the most important issue of China's reform of foreign trade operation system. 我国对外贸易经营体制改革的一项重要内容就是推行外贸代理制度。
Therefore, the uniform agency law should be formulated and foreign trade agency and domestic agency should be regulated by this uniform agency law. 因此,制定统一的代理法,使外贸代理与内贸代理受统一的代理法的调整是大势所趋。
Consideration on Perfecting the Foreign Trade Agency System 关于完善外贸代理制的法律思考
Analysis of China's Foreign Trade Agency System in the New Era 新形式下中国外贸代理制度浅析
Chapter three discusses the current situations of our foreign trade agency system. 第三章分析了我国外贸代理制度的立法现状。
Second, we further analyze the legal rights and obligations among the three parties of the agent, the principal and the third person, and compare the association between broker and foreign trade agency. 其次,进一步分析了代理人、本人、第三人三方当事人在外贸代理中的权利义务等法律关系,同时也比较了行纪和外贸代理制之间的关联。
Especially after entering into WTO, foreign trade agency system has not formed a sound and unified system, which will influence our enterprises 'competition with other countries in global market and hinder the development of our foreign trade. 特别是我国入世后,外贸代理制还未形成一个健全统一的体系,这将会影响我国企业在国际市场上与别国竞争,也会阻碍我国对外贸易的发展。
Finally, new ideas were brought forward for perfecting foreign trade agency system. 最后,本文提出了完善外贸代理的设想。
Furthermore, it is more important to pay more attention to the matching system of foreign trade agency, for it is the key to promote the development of foreign trade agency. 更为重要的是外贸配套制度要跟上,与登记制同步,这才是外贸代理制推广和发展的出路。
Although our foreign trade agency system has developed to some extent, many problems still remain to be solved. Both the theory and practice are incomplete because of the late start and slow progress. 虽然我国外贸代理制获得了一定程度的发展,但是由于起步晚,发展进程缓慢,在理论和实践中都不完善,需要解决的问题还有很多。
Our government should provide favorable policy environment for the development of foreign trade agency system. Enterprises should promote their professional operation capacity and management level to enhance competitiveness in the international market. 政府方面应该为外贸代理制的发展提供良好的政策环境,企业方面也要加强业务操作能力和自身管理水平,提高在国际市场上的竞争力。
International trade agency system, which is one specific embodiment of agency system in the foreign trade area, is very useful law in the field of foreign trade. 外贸代理制是代理制在外贸领域的具体体现,它是对外贸易中的一项非常实用的法律制度。
With the development of commodity economy and the specification of the division of labor in society, the action of civil suit and commercial affairs are relying on agents more and more. Foreign trade agency especially has the greatest esteem for its specialization, industrialization and independence. 随着商品经济的发展、社会分工的细化,民商事活动愈来愈多地依赖代理人来完成,外贸代理更以其专业化、产业化、独立化的特点备受各国的推崇。
All above has hampered the development of our foreign trade agency system. 这些因素都阻碍了我国外贸代理制的发展。
But the Foreign Trade Agency in China was in chaos before the promulgation of the Contract Law of PRC. 然而在《合同法》颁布之前,我国外贸代理制的法律体系却一直处于混乱和矛盾的状态中。